frequently asked questions
This section contains a wealth of information related to our organization, donation structure and volunteering. If you cannot find an answer to your question, make sure to
contact us. Click on the question text or the hand icon on the right to reveal the answer.
Feeding 5000's home is: New Covenant Presbyterian Church, 240 Creek Rd. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. See the map on the
contact page.
Feeding 5000's EIN (Employer Identification Number) issued by the IRS is 82-3000247. If a charity doesn't have an EIN or says you don't need it, IT'S A SCAM!
Showing up is definitely counter productive.
Please send an email to
feeding5000@comcast.net or
fill out
and submit the form on the contact page and we will let you know
when we have openings available for volunteers. Having
too many people makes our job difficult. No one likes to
stand around...especially in extreme temperatures.
All volunteers must be fully vaccinated and provide proof of
vaccination. Feeding 5000's Covid policy for volunteers can be found
by clicking here to go to the Covid policy page.
Of course you can volunteer once or as much as you wish. Some people
come in a group of friends, family or co-workers. You will meet all
types of people from all walks of life.
Send an email to feeding5000@comcast.net and we'll respond with instructions. Thank you!
Every Tuesday morning we make sandwiches at the church.
We deliver them
to the hungry at 19th and Vine Streets in Philadelphia
on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Twice each month on
the 1st and 3rd Sundays we travel to Philly House
(formerly Sunday Morning Breakfast Mission) in Philadelphia to
prepare and serve the noon meal for up to 130 people.
Feeding 5000 seeks monetary donations in the types: recurring monthly, one time, from a church collection, in the form of a grant or corporate donations. They can be "in-kind" donations, i.e.
non-perishable foodstuffs: i.e. canned goods, supermarket gift cards (Shoprite prefferred);
Clothing, i.e. SOCKS (preferred), coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, long underwear, base layers. YOUR TIME: Volunteering to help deliver
the donations to the needy.
Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing that may get dirty. Jeans are fine but avoid tank tops,
sandals, expensive sneakers, "belly shirts", short shorts, etc. We provide aprons, hair nets or hats
and sanitary gloves for people working with food. Please do not wear expensive or flashy jewelery,
clothing or handbags. Any clothing that could be considered to be "colors" (gang related) should
obviously be avoided.
Leave your valuables at home and make sure that nothing
can be seen through your car windows. Please do not
stash items under the seats or leave them in your
Volunteers at Philly House (formerly Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission) must be at least 13-years-old.
Philly House's insurance will not let people under 13 in the
kitchen. We do not
have babysitting services.
Send an email to feeding5000@comcast.net and we'll respond with instructions. Thank you!
There is parking at New Covenant Presbyterian and at
Philly House (formerly Sunday Morning Breakfast Mission). When we travel to 19th
and Vine, we carpool or caravan and park right on the
You will be contacted by phone or text message.