Some statistics:

Who and How Many We've Served


Homeless in Philadelphia


Our Volunteers


Meals Delivered in 2023


Clothing Articles Donated

What to expect to find here

Information included herein

Many Ways to Help

Opportunities Abound

You can offer your time and your kindness to those who need it most. Have no time? Consider a one time or recurring monthly gift via your online banking app. No money to spare? Think about the clothing you never wear, the old coats in your closet...more

Who We Serve

Watch our Videos 

He is the person living on the street. She lives with her kids in a car that no longer runs. He is a veteran who can't cope with what he saw or did. They are addicts of every persuasion or they may be a transient hoping to rebound soon...more

Frequently Asked Questions

about Feeding 5000...

What should I expect, where do I go, where will I park, how to dress, what should I avoid, what about my valuables??? All these questions and more will be answered by clicking here. You will be taken to the FAQ page.

Event Calendar

What, When, Where

Follow this link to the calendar which shows what is happening on what date, where and at what time. Just showing up is definitely counter productive.  Please send an email to or fill out and submit the form on the contact page and we will let you know when we have openings available for volunteers. Having too many people makes our job difficult. No one likes to stand around...especially in extreme temperatures. 

Our Volunteers

Who and Why

Some of our volunteers share their story and stories of how Feeding 5000 has touched their lives. Some workplaces send groups of volunteers, some extended families come to work and experience the soul enrichment via kindness shown to others. Click here to find stories from people who want to you.


Social Media

How to Follow

 Of course we're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can click on the icons above to be taken to those pages. Stop by to "see" us and cheer us on. We have a longer history on Facebook so we're hoping you will follow and interact with us in every way you like.

Meet Our Sponsors

Saying Thank You

There is no better way to thank our sponsors than by asking you to please consider patronizing their businesses. By their grace we have been able to serve our fellow citizens with delicious staples to mouth watering desserts. Please say a prayer of thanks for these socially conscious organizations. Find out a little bit about our sponsors by clicking here.

Photo Gallery

Pics of Volunteers in Action

Here's where our volunteers shine...doing God's work. Helping, befriending, preparing meals, sorting clothing donations, feeding the hungry in a world of polar extremes. The volunteers are the heart and soul of this organization and we love them very much. Look in their eyes...the joy of giving exudes. Join us, we'll minister to others. and to ourselves. Click here to enjoy our photo gallery.

Acts of Kindness

ordinary to ex·traor·di·nar·y

There are no words to describe the feeling when you've pitched in to help someone...a stranger who is at or near rock bottom. You roll up your sleeves and work hard for a few hours to feed and clothe tired souls.

They are thankful although it's not apparent sometimes. Imagine not knowing when you might eat again or where you will sleep tonight. Many in society do not want to look upon them...give them a simple greeting or offer a kind word.

If you cannot be there physically, emotionally or otherwise, please consider donating dollars, food items, clothing or spreading the word about what we do. You will be helping and there isn't a better way to have a positive impact in this crazy world.

Lifting the Less Fortunate

Please, a little help...

Doing God's Work
Giving of Yourself
Spreading Kindness
Donating Funds, Food, Clothing
Showing Compassion

Meet our Founder

Jim Mather

It’s easy to recognize when you’re in the company of a charismatic, confident leader. It is also inspiring when that person is completely driven by his faith. Jim Mather has both of those traits. He is totally committed to help the hungry and the homeless in Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.

Jim understands what it’s like to be at “rock bottom.” He is a recovering alcoholic who has experienced the underbelly of that dreaded disease and all the baggage that comes with it. So far, he is winning that battle, but he knows those demons lurk in the shadows as they do for every soul with addictive tendencies. His faith in God gives him all the strength he needs in his courageous fight.

Mr. Mather heard his calling in 2008 when he noticed the growing number of homeless people on the streets of Philadelphia. One day, he and a friend started buying fast-food sandwiches for the people on the street and it continued each weekend for some time. They had to develop a better way to reach more people. Just look at where Feeding 5000 is today and our trajectory for a bright future.

Every day when you’re at work, at home, with family or pursuing your passions, know that Jim Mather is working diligently and compassionately, to ease the burden of those who are not currently able to help themselves. He can be found scouting for food donations, funding, volunteers, writing grants or finding sponsors. Whether on the streets delivering food and clothing or directing meal prep at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, Jim orchestrates the tasks like a confident maestro.

When you volunteer with Feeding 5000 you will join over 300 individuals, many who return week after week, month after month. Jim will thank you with a great big bear hug. Some people will give thanks in a very polite and generic fashion. Jim grabs you and you feel his soul-deep appreciation. When you look in his eyes you can see the hawk-like focus…his determination to help the downtrodden and to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.